How is digitalization transforming the Edu-sector around the world? Here’s the answer.
This blog is about a man who built a University that is designed to fit 100 million students.
But why a hundred million and who is this man?
First, let me tell you about the actual scenario in the
21st century. In the world, there are a hundred million students that
cannot go to any university. No matter how motivated, smart or
intelligent a youth is, a hundred million students right now don’t get
to go to any classroom.
Why so? Because they have no money, it’s too expensive or there is no
space for them. This is the sad reality of our world where money is
holding people from getting a quality education.
And there comes Shai Reshef who found a way to educate a million people around the world and here’s the step by step process of building the world’s biggest and cheapest university. And let me tell you, my friend, it’s really simple.
University buildings cost money, so you don’t buy them, rather you make it all online. Yes, that’s it!
Professors need to be paid, so you don’t hire them. You make them volunteers.
Even textbooks are costly, so you make them available online for free.
Even one does not have to pay the exam fees.
The university is named – University of the People.
Where everything is online and fully accredited, just like any other university.
The above story clearly showcases the power of digitalization and its impact on the education sector. Looking back, we find that the youth has become technology-driven with an absolute willingness to imbibe and learn using digital media in the last decade. The power of technology cannot be denied. With approximately 131 million cellular-phone households in the country, we believe that delivering education through the digital platform to children and teachers could be a potential way to bridge the education deficit. And we are already moving towards a digitally empowered society.
The education sector is a vast bay of opportunities
where online tools can make anyone earn high profits who aims to solve
the 21-century issues and offer something new to the knowledge seekers.
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